Thursday 8 December 2016

Upgrade your HANA, express edition to HANA 2

  1. Temporarily increase memory to 23.9 GB
  2. Create temporary user
  3. Uninstall HANA 1
  4. Install HANA 2
  5. Install AFL
In order to allow for the upgrade to HANA 2, I have to temporarily increase the memory of my virtual machine to 23.9 GB as before:

Upgrade your HANA, express edition to HANA 2

Then I create myself a temporary user, since user hxeadm will be temporarily deleted in the process:

Upgrade your HANA, express edition to HANA 2

Leveraging my temporary user, I uninstall HANA 1:

Upgrade your HANA, express edition to HANA 2

And subsequently install HANA 2:

Upgrade your HANA, express edition to HANA 2

The base install can take a while, but eventually the delivery units start to get imported:

Upgrade your HANA, express edition to HANA 2

And finish successfully:

Upgrade your HANA, express edition to HANA 2

In HANA Studio, I can log into my system:

Upgrade your HANA, express edition to HANA 2

To catch up with the HANA, express edition, I install the AFL:

Upgrade your HANA, express edition to HANA 2

This can take a little while:

Upgrade your HANA, express edition to HANA 2

But eventually finishes successfully:

Upgrade your HANA, express edition to HANA 2

So that I am exactly at the point of the HANA, express edition, but on HANA 2 now:

Upgrade your HANA, express edition to HANA 2

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