Wednesday 1 January 2020

SAP HANA Backup via backint interface. Step-by-step guide for Veritas NetBackup.


You want config backup via backint interface for your SAP HANA multitenant database.
This step-by-step guide provides information about Veritas NetBackup solution
N.B .If you want to use other backup tools, for example, EMS Networker, Veeam Plug-in for SAP HANA, Spectrum Protect for Enterprise Resource Planning, etc this guide will be useful for you too.

SAP Environment

◉ SAP HANA Cockpit
◉ SAP HANA Studio
◉ Veritas Solution: NetBackup Agent, NetBackup Server and  NetBackup OpsCenter

Also Read: SAP HANA Application - C_HANAIMP_12


SAP HANA database provides a backup interface, called Backint for SAP HANA database. This interface offers 3rd-party backup tool vendors to connect their product to the backup and recovery capabilities of the SAP HANA database. Backint for SAP HANA is fully integrated into SAP HANA database, i.e. data and log backups can be configured individually to be created and recovered in the 3rd-party backup tool.

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Step 1: Install and Config NetBackup Server (Master Server)

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Create Policies

NetBackup Management -> Policies

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Step 2: Veritas NetBackup Agent installation  on HANA DB-host

Substep 2.1. Run installation

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Substep 2.2. During the installation process specify Veritas Master server FQDN from Step 1

Step 3: Configuration of Veritas NetBackup Agent

Substep 3.1. Create utl-files

Goto to a folder:

cd /usr/openv/netbackup/ext/db_ext/sap/scripts/sap_oracle/

Create directories for each tenant in HDB:

mkdir <SID>

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Create a policy file for each SID from initial utl-file (initSAP.utl)

cp initSAP.utl <SID>/initSAP-<SID>-log.utl
cp initSAP.utl <SID>/initSAP-<SID>-data.utl

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Substep 3.2. Edit created a utl-files:

Provide information about  “policy” and “schedule” parameters  in created utl-files:

nano /<SID>/initSAP-<SID>-log.utl

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Substep 3.3. Create and edit node_names.txt  file:

nano /usr/openv/ netbackup/ext/db_ext/sap/node_names.txt

provide here FQDN name of Master-server from Step1
Substep 3.4  Create a symbolic link to hdbbackint_script

ln -s /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/hdbbackint_script /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/hdb/opt/ hdbbackint

Step 4. Settings in SAP HANA Cockpit / SAP HANA Studio

Login in SAP Hana Cockpit. Open SystemDB Overview
Goto section DB Administration-> Configure system properties

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Settings for global.ini
[section – backup]
catalog_backup_using_backint = false
log_backup_using_backint = true
data_backup_parameter_file = /usr/openv/netbackup/ext/db_ext/sap/scripts/sap_oracle/<SID>/initSAP-data.utl (for SYSTEMDB / and each tenant)
log_backup_parameter_file= /usr/openv/netbackup/ext/db_ext/sap/scripts/sap_oracle/<SID>/initSAP-log.utl (for SYSTEMDB / and each tenant)
log_backup_using_backint = true (for SYSTEMDB and each tenant)
[section – persistence]
basepath_catalogbackup  = /catalogbackup
basepath_databackup = /catalogbackup
N.B. In this case we setup Data/Log backup via backint.
catalogbackup via File to the NFS-share  in mount point /catalogbackup

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Settings for xsengine.ini
Add or Edit
[section – scheduler]
enabled = true

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Step 5: Create Ad-Hoc backup for SYSTEMDB and each tenant

Login in SAP Hana Cockpit. Open SYSTEMDB / Tenant Overview
Goto section DB Administration-> Manage database backups -> Create backup
Backup Type: Complete
Destination Type: Backint

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Status: Successful

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Step 6.  Create  backup Schedule for SYSTEMDB and each tenant

Login in SAP Hana Cockpit. Open SYSTEMDB / Tenant Overview
Goto section DB Administration-> Manage database backups -> Create Schedule
Backup Type: Complete
Destination Type: Backint
Unique Schedule Name: <SID>@<SID>
Start on:  Time
Every week on:  Days of the week

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Step 7.  Recover SYSTEMDB  and each tenant

Login in Hana Cockpit. Open SYSTEMDB Overview
Goto Overall Tenant Status.
Stop Tenant – Recover Tenant

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Backup to be Used

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Check Availability Backup – Backint

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Initialize Log Area – No

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Recovery – In Progress

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Recovery – Done!

Step 8.Maintenance for catalogbackup.

As indicated in Step 4 in this approach:
For full and log backup is used a backint interface.
For catalogbackup is used a remote NFS folder (mount point /catalogbackup).
Keep in mind that information in catalogbackup is redundant
Each next catalogbackup-file contains information about full/log backups  + small delta

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In this case, we can use such a strategy for catalog-backup files:

1. Rotation. Keep in NFS -folder only the last three catalogbackup files. Backup to tape and cleanup NFS folder
2. Cleanup catalogbackup files itself

On DB-level (Create Role/User):
On OS-level:

log-on as an <sid>adm os-user and add a new a key to hdbuserstore:

hdbuserstore SET HANACLEANER1KEY  hostname:3<instance>15 HANACLEANER1 <your password>

log-on as a <sid>adm os-user and check hdbuserstore:


Download the Python-script from Note 2399996 and copy it to the Scripts-folder:

Create a shell -file

python /usr/sap/<SID>/HDB<instance>/exe/python_support/ -fl 25 -fo true -tc 30 -td true -to true -es true -os false -ar 30 -ad true -bd 45 -zb 40 -lr 3 -eh 10 -eu 10 -fo true -op /usr/sap/<SID>/HDB<instance>/hostname/trace


-fl 25 – fragmentation limit DataVolume  %
-fo true – displays data volume statistics before and after defragmentation
-tc 30 – minimum retained days for trace files
-td true – displays the trace files that were deleted
-to true  – displays trace files before and after the cleanup
-es true – Execute all crucial housekeeping tasks (useful to turn off for investigations with –os=true)
-os false –  Prints all crucial housekeeping tasks (useful for debugging with –es=false)
-ar 30 – minimum number retained days of the alerts
-ad true -output deleted alerts
-bd 60 – minimum retained days of backup entries in the catalog
-zb 40 – backup logs compression size limit
-lr 3 – maximum number of free log segments per service
-eh 10 – minimum retained days for handled events
-eu 10 -minimum retained days for unhandled events
-fo true – output fragmentation displays data volume statistics before and after defragmentation
-op /usr/sap/<SID>/HDB<instance>/<hostname>/trace – output path full path of the folder where the hanacleaner logs are written was executed:

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Create a cron job for this script:

crontab -e -u hsdadm 0 1 * * * /path/ >> /path/hanacleaner.log 2>&1

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Step 9. Monitoring.

Monitoring via Veritas NetBackup OpsCenter (a web-based tool)

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Monitor – > Jobs

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Step 10. Troubleshooting.

For example In the HANA Cockpit / Hana Studio you see Error
Backup status: Failed
Additional Information:  [447] backup could not be completed, [110512] Backint reported ‘BACKINT did not return result for [/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/hdb/backint/DB_<SID>/2019_12_02_04_30_00_databackup_0_1]’ in file ‘/var/tmp/hdbbackint_<SID>.vkrhNE’, [110203] Not all data could be w.

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Investigate  backup.log / backint.log / nameserver.trc for additional information.
Log files are created and updated in specific directories. In SAP HANA  you will find the trace and log files root directory at : [ /usr/sap/<SID>/HDB<Instance number>< hostname>/trace ] This trace and log root directory contains  the SYSTEMDB trace and log files only. Each tenant database has it own directory with a trace and a log files. You can detemine this information from a cdtrace command output.
Log-in as <SID>adm
Run the following command : cdtrace
or via such logic:
Path to backup.log (for SYSTEMDB) –
Path to backint.log (for SYSTEMDB) –
Path to backint.log (for TENANTS DB) –
Investigate the Veritas log files:
On the SAP client host, put the following line in the  /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf  file :
    VERBOSE = 5
and create log directories :

chmod – R 0777 /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/backint

Investigate log files in these directories.


NetBackup Agent operation commands:
Stop Agent
cd /usr/openv/bin
Start Agent
cd /usr/openv/bin

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