Monday 5 October 2020

Eclipse Dirigible – connect to HANA Schema on the SAP Cloud Platform Cloud Foundry environment


Eclipse Dirigible is an open-source cloud development platform that provides capabilities for end-to-end development processes from database modeling and management, through RESTful services using server-side JavaScript, to pattern-based user interface generation, role-based security, external services integration, testing, debugging, operations and monitoring.

Some of the unique features include:

💿 In-System development

💿 Low-Code/No-Code development

💿 Modeling and Generation from templates

💿 In-App extensibilityaa

💿 Enterprise JavaScript APIs

💿 Web IDE

The platform aims to unify open-source business services by providing software developers with a convenient set of tools for building, running, and operating business applications in the Cloud. 


Starting with the Eclipse Dirigible 4.3 release, there is a built-in integration with the SAP Cloud Platform Cloud Foundry environment. 

After Dirigible is deployed, it’s time to create a HANA Schema service instance from the service marketplace. This can be done either at subaccount or space level in the Cloud Cockpit. The slight difference is that, if created at subaccount level, then the target space should be specified.

1. Navigate to the target subaccount
2. Expand the Services section
3. Select the Service Marketplace
4. From the list of services, select the SAP HANA Schemas & HDI Containers

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(Service Marketplace – SAP HANA Schemas & HDI Containers)

1. Click on the Create Instance button
2. Select the schema service plan
3. Set the Instance Name (e.g. dirigible-database-hana-schema)
4. Click on the Create Instance button

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(New Instance – SAP HANA Schema)

The SAP HANA Schema instance creation process will take some time (5-10 min.).

Once the instance is created, it’s time to bind it to your Dirigible instance, or more specifically to the dirigible-runtime (or <your-application-name>-runtime) application, deployed in your space. To do so go to the service instances and select your instance:

1. Navigate to the target subaccount
2. Expand the Services section
3. Select the Service Instances
4. Select your SAP HANA Schema service instance (e.g. dirigible-database-hana-schema)
5. Click on the “more” option
6. Select the Bind Application option

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(SAP HANA Schema Service Instance – Bind Application)

1. From the dropdown select the dirigible-runtime (or <your-application-name>-runtime) application
2. Click on the Create button

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(New Application Binding)

We are almost ready with the setup of SAP HANA database schema for Dirigible on the Cloud Foundry environment. Now it’s time to confirm, that the binding was successful and to restart the dirigible-runtime (or <your-application-name>-runtime) application, so that the SAP HANA Schema configuration is applied. To do so, go to the Applications section in your subaccount.

1. Select the Applications option from the navigation menu
2. Open the dirigible-runtime (or <your-application-name>-runtime) application
3. Go to the Service Bindings tab
4. There you should be able to find the dirigible-database-hana-schema service binding

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(Service Bindings)

Now the dirigible-runtime (or <your-application-name>-runtime) application should be restarted, so that the SAP HANA Schema configuration is applied.

1. Go to back to the dirigible-runtime (or <your-application-name>-runtime) application
2. Click on the Restart button

After the dirigible-runtime (or <your-application-name>-runtime) application is restarted, go to the dirigible (or <your-application-name>) application and access Dirigible from the Application Route. To confirm, that the SAP HANA database schema setup is complete, you can navigate to the Database perspective and confirm that the connection type is custom and the database name is HANA.

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(Dirigible Database Perspective)

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